Urban Kiz, Tarraxo, Douceur Spring/Summer Semester 2025

500.00 kr7,200.00 kr

I’m not one for quotes, mostly because I keep forgetting them.
So I read and enjoy them, mix & match and put them into words that serve me the most:
Here is one of my mantras; an unshakeable fact:
True growth comes when I show up for myself, again and again—committing, the results do follow.




7-week course: January–March
3 Saturday-Bootcamps: March

5-week course: April–May
4-week course: May–June

Join us for 16 Tuesdays & 3 Saturdays of high-quality classes, consistency, and growth.
PRO TIP: Do show up for yourself and save big with the Complete Semester Pass deal!
♦You can choose between a free bootcamp and a 12% discount on the Semester Pass..
♦Committed couples save even more!
Naturally you can also book each course / bootcamp individually.

Drop-in: 310kr per Tuesday. Send me a message/ e-mail to check if there’s a spot available.

7-Week Course: Urban Kiz, Tarraxo & Douceur,  14 Jan.- 25. March
Broad course titles? Don’t be fooled! If you have taken our classes, you know we dive deep into the details, exploring hidden gems under the Urban Kiz umbrella. Each time, we’ll uncover fresh layers —giving you the tools to connect the dots, sharpen your skills, and grow your unique style.
→Facebook Event Link

Urban Kiz Bootcamp: “Rhythmic Texture”,  Saturday 1 March
Approach the music in a whole new way and go deeper into the heartbeat of your dance. We’ll work on rhythm that speaks, moves, and flows like magic.
→Facebook Event Link

Tarraxo Bootcamp: “Tarraxo Lab”,  Saturday 15 March
We’re cooking up something special—control, connection, and a pinch of secret ingredients. Lots of fun guaranteed!
→Facebook Event Link

Urban Kiz Bootcamp: “Create On The Fly”,  Saturday 29 March
Don’t just dance—create! This one’s all about owning every step, your way.
→Facebook Event Link

5-Week Course: Urban Kiz, Tarraxo & Douceur,  22 April- 20 May
We keep peeling that onion, by introducing new elements. It will be spicy!
Facebook Event Link

4-Week Course: Urban Kiz, Tarraxo & Douceur,  27 May-17 June 2025
The final stretch before summer! We’ll wrap up the semester on a high note: be ready for the ultimate surprise challenge.
→Facebook Event Link

Questions? Just send an email or message me on my social media!
Oh, and please mark yourself as going in the events. Like this we motivate others to join and your support really makes a difference! ♥

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