Footwork/ Urban Shines

Become the best!

Solo work/ footwork for leaders & followers
Up your game in a unique way and get a whole different perspective on connection, improvisation, interaction, style and more!
These tools will help you pave your path not only toward becoming a great Kiz dancer but to becoming a dancer who stands out.
It is a fact: the better you are alone, the stronger you will perform in a couple!
This course comprises Footwork as well as adapted Partnerwork classes (see below)


Technical & Exceptional

Partnerwork: COVID-adapted.
Due to COVID-19 Partnerwork Classes are taking place in small, trusted groups.

Urban Kiz is highly technical and unfolds through great musicality and creativity. 
In her classes Val makes it her mission to disclose exactly that. Making people aware of the possibilities in this dance by exploring its fascinating layers of styles, lyric, expression, interpretation and storytelling. 
This dance has so much more to offer than just sensual hip movements.
Learn about proper leading and following techniques, connection, musicality combinations, lifts & tricks and much more.
It is captivating in all its facets!

Lady Styling
There are so many variables to take into account to becoming the follower of your own dreams!

Posture, Strength, Technique, Attitude & Confidence to name only a few.
Learn to spice up your dance.
Elegance and Sensuality wrapped around choreos, technique and exercises will help you to become a great follower as well as solo dancer.

Practicing Lady Style results in more security and knowledge about your steps, great balance, independence, more creativity, confidence and improved cognitive function.
It is a fact: the better you are alone, the stronger you will perform in a couple!
60-minutes private class with Val – 100% attention for you only!
For anyone but especially for dancers who
-want to reach the next level
-want detailed, high quality corrections, personal assessment & tools to grow
-want to work on a particular topic
-are looking for inspiration and fresh input
-are looking for great methodology & professionalism
-feel like they stopped making progress
For any topic: Leading or Following Skills, Lady Styling, Body Movement, etc.

A little bit of quarantine and suddenly you are all fluffy?
Or are you a passionate (social) dancer and you want to improve your stamina, posture, strength, appearance and flexibility?

Guy or Girl, it does not matter; Val has got you covered!
Nothing beats a group of inspired people melting their inner demons away at the park.
You need that fresh air, Vitamin D and the occasional workout anyway.

Val will guide you through a smashing workout & stretching routine to reactivate your body and mind!
There will be music!

⋮⋮⋮ BRING ⋮⋮⋮
-your smile
-active wear
-No equipment needed!
(but feel free to bring your yoga mats, resistance bands, ankle weights or anything you might want to use to increase the difficulty)

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